Meals & Snacks

At this time The Enrichment Center at
Adventure World offers three snacks a day. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, whole grains products are the part of our daily snack menu following the USDA guidelines. All food is served with 2% milk or 100% fruit juice.
Breakfast and lunch are to be brought from home. Meals can be heated in a microwave. You are encouraged to bring nutritional food for your child. The center will provide adequate storage space for the food brought from home and adequate refrigeration space for those foods requiring refrigeration.
Breakfast time will be from 7:00 a.m. to 7:35 a.m. If your child comes after that they will need to have had breakfast at home. Please let staff know whether your child needs breakfast or not. Children are encouraged to eat but not forced. At snack time we use "Family Style dinning."
Please review our
Parent Handbook (Word doc) or
(Adobe pdf) for complete guidlines.
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Apply for Enrollment or if you have any questions, please call 540-260-9024 or
email us.